Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Trying not to complain but this may be a bit of a rant

Ugh, today is just one of those days.... it started off so well! Isabel made it through the night in her crib for the second night only getting up 1x to nurse... yahoo!

I had a Dr. apt in the morning for well, constipation that has plagued me for the last 3 months (I think it was the 10 weeks of IV meds...) the apt. was great and Isabel was an angel and well loved there!

I decided to go and visit my grandparents because they missed Isabel and haven't seen her in a couple of weeks. Only when I get there she starts crying, she's fussy and I am trying to manage her with out sounding/looking like a crazy over protective mom. She always acts funny when there...but I thought today it may be her ear or teeth.

I had to meet J at the dealership to drop my car off and it was around Isabel's last nap of the day and I figured she would nap there and back, despite her bad day of naps...they were short and light.

Oh, I was so wrong! She cried hysterically...think back to my hair apt. fiasco. I sang, I played music, I tried to give her a paci....nothing worked. Not even when I got to the dealership. Of course when I took her out of the carrier she was ok but started wailing as soon as she went back in.

It was so bad we stopped 1/2 way home for me to nurse/comfort her. We thought it might be her ears and called the pedi which was still open but couldn't take us tonight. So home we went with a dropper full of Tylenol that smart mommy (that's the rarer version of me that thinks ahead) packed in her diaper bag that day.

Thankfully, at home she perked up settled into her new routine (starting at 7:15pm of PJs (bath but not tonight), nurse, rocking and bed. She was out by 8:15pm and so far still sleeping at 10:50pm.

However, I heard on the monitor about an hour ago a huge sad meow and I ran upstairs to find Zoe our kitty pacing around. She is an out of the box pee'er so I expected to find pee somewhere. She ran into our office, squatted and instead POOPED on the floor. SERIOUSLY???? Ugh!

J came up to see what was happening and was dry heaving at the door because he hates poop smells! I cleaned up but now I don't know what is up with Zoe.

So I have a potentially sick baby and kitty and a busy day and weekend coming up.

All this really isn't earth shattering or terrible just hassle-y and a bit stressful but I know I can manage ;)

With 2 cats, 2 dogs and 1 baby I am definetly outnumbered and deal with a lot more poop these days!


Jessica said...

Oh man sis, that sounds like a really hard day :( Not complaining or whiny at all! This is what your blog is for right?? Hang in there ok?? Give the little one kisses from auntie!

Jolene said...

Awww! That sounds awful sis! I wish I was there to help. I did giggle at the dry heaving at the cat poop though ;-) Cat throwup is way worse IMHO! Hang in there! XOXO