Today J and I went to church, for the first time in a few weeks (sad to admit it but its been harder for me to get up and go in the morning).
We have been trying a new church, it has been a tough move because there was alot about the church we were attending but it was time to move on.
I feel that God has led us to this church and though its not a perfect fit (there are a couple of things I don't love about this one) but its a pretty good fit. Anyway I digress.
Today I noticed members of the congregation using Ipods and one even using an Ipad!! Hmmmm I just think thats so disrespectful!
I know that churches have increased in their use of technology, more high tech music/sound, use of ppt for praise/worship and even for the sermons. I can't say I love that either but now I see texting and other stuff going on during the service and it really bothers me.
It could be because when I teach and I see this going on, I feel offended. How can anyone pay attention to two things at once? I know its becoming the norm. Heck, I even saw administrators checking their Bberries during seminar this week.
What does this mean? I guess that technology is really changing us as a society and it is even in church!
This makes me sad because I really like tradition and I wish that these new pieces of technology weren't invading every aspect of society.
I hear you - using technology in church for personal use seems against the grain, however, I love the fact that my Bible is always with me - on my BB is wonderful. I also can tweet Bible verses as I'm studying them. There are some real advantages, but these can also be disadvantages if used in a distracting way. Heck, I can get distracted by a little old lady (lol) pulling out a crinkly mint from the bottom of her purse. I think honest, this is more distracting to me - or people talking or whispering - than someone discretely using a tech device for their own edification.
Like most things, we need to examine our hearts and try and understand why we might feel frustrated in this situation. If you're having big hangups, you might not be at the best church for what you need spiritually, if these tech gadgets keep you from authentic worship. I hope you find peace on this topic and wish you well! In Christ, Lauren
Hi Dear
Innovations and updation is the rule of any technology and the folks are adapting these technology rapidly.That is why the church had changed everything according to the time..
Seriously, that is ridiculous, unless it was being used for anything related to the scripture itself. PS - love the new blog layout!
Thank you for your insite folks. I can appreciate the use of ppt for worship songs and even the sermon if done well but the ipod/ipad thing is not necessary for worship in my opinion.
Love the crinkly wrapper analogy! I was that kid that opened up a candy wrapper and got plenty of stares ;)
In many ways this church suits us and I really grow from the teaching/fellowship and honestly, I have seen this change in technology use everywhere I have visited lately.
Change is hard for me!
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